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Merrimack River Greenway Trail

The 7th Annual ~
is now the...
MRGT's "Run, ROW, RIde"!
Please join us at Morono Park in September for a new course, and a new experience through the MRGT's annual Multi-Sport Event".
With three distances to choose from, this family-friendly, community event truly has something for everyone!
MORONO PARK - 2nd Street (near Beaver Meadow), Concord NH
SEPTEMBER 29th, 2024
Why the name change?
The MRGT's "Triathlon" was never, by definition, a triathlon, but rather a tri-sport event, which swapped out the traditional swim for a paddle. To avoid confusion, we've renamed it "Run, Row, Ride", because, well, it paints the picture, and who doesn't love an alliteration?
The Run, Row, Ride will offer three distances to choose from, including a traditional kids' fun run, a Weekend Warriors' course, and a Gritty Go-Getters' course.
Click around to learn more!
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