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The City of Concord is poised to extend the

Northern Rail Trail to Downtown Concord.

This Petition drive has ended.

Many thanks to all those who answered our call to action.  1,053 people signed the petition in time to be included in the summary that was sent to the Concord City Council.  Together, we answered the question, "Who really wants a rail trail, anyway?"

It's good to know so many people support our efforts.  Your comments are very encouraging to us.

Here's a summary:

438 signatures were from Concord and Penacook

134 were from towns adjacent to Concord and Penacook

399 were from the rest of New Hampshire

58 were from States adjacent to New Hampshire

23 were from everywhere else

Thanks again to all 1,053 of you.  You made a difference!

While the petition drive has ended, we still welcome new signatures and we always welcome more supporters.  Click on the button below to add your support!

Here are all the signatures that were sent to the City Council:

Contact us:
PO Box 954, Concord, NH  03302

Visitors since 6/1/16



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