Merrimack River Greenway Trail

Board of Trustees

Dick Lemieux
Trustee since Nov. 2011
Term expires Nov. 2026

Dick is a retired highway engineer, transportation planner, and transportation environmental programs manager. He has been a member of the Concord Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee for 15 years.
He served four years as an elected member of the Concord City Council and 15 years as the Chairman of Concord's Transportation Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC). He is a past board member of the NH Regional Trails Coordinating Council, Concord 2020, Groundwork Concord, the NHDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Advisory Board, the Central NH Bicycling Coalition, the NH Rail Trails Coalition, the US Transportation Research Board's "Standing Committee on Bicycling" and the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission.
He wrote the first nationwide bicycle facilities design guide in 1981 and the goals and objectives chapter of the NH statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan in 2000. He was instrumental in organizing and obtaining grant funding for the MRGT Feasibility Study and was a member of the Steering Committee that guided the study.
He has been a bicycling enthusiast for more than 52 years. In the mid-1970's, he commuted to work by bicycle on one of America's first and premiere riverside bike paths: the American River Bike Trail, in Sacramento, CA, a model for the MRGT. Dick and his wife, Barbara, ride on bike paths, trails and rural roads all over New England.
Nick Holmes
Vice President
Trustee since Jul. 2023
Term expires Nov. 2025
Nick is a recently retired construction attorney, with more than twenty years experience representing owners, architects, engineers, and contractors throughout the United States. He has been an avid cyclist since law school, enjoying touring, gravel and especially mountain biking. Nick serves on the steering committee for Concord Hospital’s Pedaling for Payson fundraising event and is an officer of the Central NH chapter of the New England Mountain Biking Association. Nick also enjoys traveling, hiking, backpacking, canoeing, and wandering through the woods with his dog. Nick and his wife Brigette live in Concord.
Craig Tufts
Co-chair, Trail Committee
Trustee since Nov. 2011
Term expires Nov. 2026
Craig is a GIS and Transportation Planner with the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission, a non-profit local government organization that assists 20 communities in the Concord area with transportation, land use, and environmental planning. At the Planning Commission, he has spearheaded several bicycle and pedestrian related plans and projects, supports a number of trail groups and initiatives, and also works on a wide range of land use and natural resource projects. Craig is a longtime bicyclist and a dedicated bicycle commuter, and dreams of one day riding the MRGT across Concord with his kids.
Scott Clark
Trustee since Oct. 2023
Term expires Nov. 2025
Scott is a nonprofit management consultant with 30 years of experience in strategic planning, operations, budgeting and donor relations. His focus has been on international agricultural development, starting as a Peace Corps volunteer in highland Ecuador, followed by management positions with nongovernmental organizations in Mozambique, Ghana, and Washington DC.
He’s a longtime hiker, cyclist, and urban walker and has done volunteer trail maintenance and invasive species removal. Scott and his partner Lesley live in Concord and strive to do most in-town errands by bike or foot.
Kelly Ovitt Puc
Chair, Board of Trustees
Trustee since 2013
Term expires Nov. 2026
Kelly is an attorney at the law firm of Orr and Reno, P.A., Concord, where her practice includes the representation of businesses, non-profits and individuals in general corporate, real estate, and commercial financing matters. She is a recreational runner and regularly participates in local road, trail and adventure races. She also enjoys swimming, kayaking, hiking, biking and skiing and exploring the many ways and places to be active outdoors in New Hampshire. Kelly is originally from Western Massachusetts, where she grew up running and cycling on the Norwottuck Rail Trail. She has lived and worked in the Concord area since 2006 and is excited to help bring a similar multi-use trail to Concord.
Greg Bakos
Co-chair, Trail Committee
Trustee since Nov, 2011
Term expires Nov. 2025
Greg is a Concord resident and active member of the bike subcommittee of Concord’s Transportation Policy Advisory Committee (TPAC). He is a transportation engineer with Vanasse Hangen Brustlin in Bedford and has been fortunate to augment his love of cycling with professional duties that have included planning and/or design of bike and pedestrian facilities in the four northern New England states. He is also a League Cycling Instructor and is a Board Member of the NH Bike-Walk Alliance, and a member of the NH Complete Streets Advisory Committee. He hopes to contribute his technical expertise and knowledge of state and federal funding and regulatory programs to the development of the MRGT.
Rick Silverberg
Chair, Fundraising Committee
Trustee since Oct. 2020
Term expires Nov. 2025
Rick is the Chair of the NH chapter of the Appalachian Mountain Club and has been the Director of Leadership and Mountain Safety Schools continuously since 1982. He has been an AMC 4-season mountain trip leader since 1977 and is a long-time member of AMC club-wide Outdoor Leadership Development Committee.
He is avid hiker, snowshoer, XC skier, mountain biker, trail developer and maintainer, and wilderness canoe tripper.
He is also a master builder and set designer with the local community theater group “Concord NH Community Players”.
He has retired from Field Facility University of NH School of Social Work, and a retired CEO of Health First Family Care Center. He is a retired Managing Director of Caring Community Network of the Twin Rivers public health network.
He is on the Board of Directors of the Winnipesaukee River Trail Association and the Bow Trails Committee.
He is a Principle in Synergy Works Consulting.
Rick has over 40 years of experience developing coalitions, interagency collaborations, developing and administering comprehensive health and mental health private nonprofit agencies, outdoor leadership development programs and excursions of all sorts. Rick has a long history of experience using and teaching collaborative leadership, experiential education and mountain leadership.
Christine Vigneault
Trustee since Aug, 2019
Christine is currently on sabbatical
Christine, originally from the North Shore of Massachusetts, now calls the Merrimack Valley home. She has two young and boundlessly energetic boys, Colin and Will. As a coach with the Concord Crew youth rowing team, she is often on the Merrimack River, marveling at Concord's landscape from the water, the hidden gem that will soon be accessible by way of the Merrimack River Greenway Trail. Inspired by the success and beauty of the rail trail in her hometown of Newburyport, she's joined the board and is eager to help showcase Concord's natural beauty and environment as well.