Merrimack River Greenway Trail

Friends of the Merrimack River Greenway Trail
Awarded $50k Grant from
You Have Our Trust Fund
Press Release, 12/15/22
The Friends of the Merrimack River Greenway Trail (FMRGT) are thrilled to announce that their end of year fundraising goal received a major advance with the donation of a single gift of $50,000 from the You Have Our Trust (YHOT) Fund of Fidelity Charitable! This donation, along with the dozens of smaller donations, moves Concord that much closer to building the next phase of the Merrimack River Greenway Trail (MRGT).
Phase 2 of the trail, known as “Crossing the Cornfields” will run from behind the post office on Loudon Road to the southern edge of the cornfield. Fundraising will continue until we have matched the $275,000 Land and Water Conservation Grant awarded in 2021, which will enable the City of Concord to start construction in 2023.
The FMRGT would like to thank our anonymous benefactor for their generosity, for helping to make our project possible, and for their commitment to promoting safety, education, and camaraderie through the shared love of clean active outdoor recreation.
The City of Concord and FMRGT are working hard to establish Concord's very own paved bike/pedestrian trail. There has been much going on behind the scenes and we are encouraged by the progress the trail has seen in the last few years. For information on our efforts, and to make your contribution towards our fundraising goals, check out our website at