Merrimack River Greenway Trail

Phase 2 (the "Sunflower Section")
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
On Friday, September 27th, the second phase of the MRGT was officially open to the public!

Phase 2 Information
The newest section of the Merrimack River Greenway Trail (MRGT) is 0.7 miles long, and currently stops just before the wetlands at the far end of the field. (We are currently raising funds to build the boardwalk which will connect Phase 2 with Phase 1 on the other side of these wetlands.)
It is fully paved, and runs along the Merrimack River.
It's a beautiful section of trail just across from downtown Concord! Go on, check it out!

The Friends of the MRGT want to thank everyone who made this section of trail possible!
Together, we're making it happen and building something beautiful for Concord, and for New Hampshire.
A special thanks...
This section of trail wouldn't exist today without the LWCF (Land and Water Conservation Fund) grant, or the tireless and diligent efforts of the City of Concord.
Every one of our donors, big and small, have made this section a reality.
Thank you to all, and a special thanks to Constantly Pizza for feeding us all at the celebration of our new trail!